Stay Involved
Recruit New Protégés!
Display the NSF SOARS poster at your school and hand out NSF SOARS postcards at your department. The NSF SOARS office can provide you with recruiting material.
Give a Presentation About NSF SOARS
Give a presentation about your research and experience at NSF SOARS at your school, your localAMS chapter, or other student groups. We are happy to provide slides that you can use to create your own presentation about the NSF SOARS program.
Stay in Touch
We are eager to hear from you. Please make sure your information is up-to-date on the Protégé Profile page. If any information is missing or inaccurate, let us know so we can update our secure database.
Protégé/Alumni Directory
Do you ever wonder where a fellow Protégé ended up? Now you can find them on our Protégé Profile page.