NSF Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (NSF SOARS) is an undergraduate-to-graduate bridge and career pathways program designed to promote and support research, mentoring, and community in the atmospheric and Earth system sciences.

NSF Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (NSF SOARS) is an undergraduate-to-graduate bridge and career pathways program designed to promote and support research, mentoring, and community in the atmospheric and Earth system sciences


The NSF SOARS program is built on the three pillars of Research, Mentoring, and Community. NSF SOARS Protégés can participate for up to four summers conducting research in atmospheric and Earth system sciences. NSF SOARS offers comprehensive financial support for summer research, and conference travel. Over 90% of NSF SOARS Protégés advance to graduate school, and many have entered the workforce with a Master’s degree, and/or continued on to receive a PhD.


NSF SOARS invites students from multiple STEM disciplines -- including chemistry, ecology, engineering, geography, mathematics, meteorology, physics, and the social sciences -- to deepen their expertise in understanding the Earth’s Atmosphere. The NSF SOARS program offers support for all students to achieve success in higher education and in the Earth system science (ESS) workforce, with the goal of this workforce actively contributing to finding solutions to our most pressing scientific and societal challenges and supporting economic growth in this country.


Applications for 2025 are closed.